The months previous to getting my call were some of the most difficult months of my life in terms of temptation. Never had the assaults of the Devil been so forceful and persistent than they have since I decided to go on a mission. After a while I got tired and discouraged. A dust of fear and doubt started to settle on my heart and everything felt fuzzy and unclear. Thankfully, I woke up and shook myself off.
I realized that just as Satan is anxious to bring you down, Heavenly Father is equally (if not more) ready to lift you up. He and His Son, Jesus Christ, they love you. And the Atonement is real. It's there to help you defeat doubt, sin, and any influence the Devil might have on your life.
Here are some ways that Heavenly Father has helped me to rise from the dust and embrace my calling.
They are simple things but they let me know that he is there and cares.
1. He always, always answers my prayers! Always has, but lately it's been real quick, as if to say that He's right there and I'm never on hold.
For example, yesterday I asked to feel His confidence in me and a confirmation that Russia is the right mission for me. Within a few minutes I read my answers. In an article I read that the church was officially recognized in Russia the same year I was born. Which doesn't mean anything really. But to me it was Heavenly Father telling me that I was born to do this. I was born to serve in Russia. Then I opened my scriptures and literally read the words, "I trust you."
No one can tell me that was a coincidence.
2. Even when I'm not talking directly to God, He's still listening, He's still there. At work I was thinking about someone who I cared about very much that I felt had betrayed me. Just then I passed a couple of elderly woman telling her friend, "Oh well, life goes on. You just got to keep living and everything will work out."
3. At the church bookstore in Tri-Cities one of the ladies that worked there asked me where I was called to serve.
Oh! We have a CD of Russian hymns that we got at a convention a few weeks ago! Here, take it, for free.
4. At school I was worried that I wouldn't get to take a mission prep class at home. Meanwhile back in the branch they had voted for mission prep as their new lesson plan for institute.
5. I was worried about money. My dad already works too much and when he told me he would probably have to take an extra load on to pay for my mission it felt like someone punched me in the gut and the heart at the exact same time. My mom called me and told me that one of his big accounts randomly gave him a $400/mo raise. Missions cost $400/mo. I don't know what happened since then though, I think my parent's finances are still pretty tight but I know that God is in control. He was telling me not to worry.
6. God gave me one of my best friends to travel the mission journey with me! We started our papers on the same Sunday (on accident) and she entered her papers only one week after me! Our experiences have been very different but she has been one of the biggest blessings. It's nice to have a pre-companion!
7. She and I go to temple prep together. I love temple prep with the Truscotts. They themselves are so reminiscent of the temple: clean, simple, elegant and timeless, gentle yet powerful, piercing and relevant.
8. I am surrounded by missionaries, mission leaders, and fellow mission preparers which basically consists of like half of my friends in the branch, my dad, and all the missionaries in Walla Walla. Since I never really prepared to go on a mission I really have to catch up on all the little rules and details I had overlooked before. At every turn I have someone who can help me with those things!
9. Before I got my call I had never known anyone or even heard of anyone who has gone to Russia, now it seems like everyone has or at least knows someone who has and are dying to tell me all about it. I love it. I love all the advice and I'll take all I can get!
I'm am totally humbled and grateful for all the ways Heavenly Father is helping me every day. I truly could not do it with out Him.