Hey there family,
I'm so glad you visited Barbara. I was
thinking about her this morning and was sad that I didn't see her before
I left. Next time you see her please tell her that I think about her
often and that I say hi and want to give her a big hug. :)
Yes, I've seen Elder Pope a couple times and Sister Limburg! It's
so nice to see people I know. Sister Lund still is always seeing people.
I'm convinced she knows everyone in Utah. For her the MTC is like a
big high school/family reunion. lol I've also ran into a few people from
school like my relief society president from Rexburg (81st ward??) and
Sister Stokes, Katie's friend who I don't think recognized me.. That's
so exciting Matt is coming home soon!!!! I think and pray for him a lot
down there in Brazil. I would LOVE it if he could dear elder me if he
gets a chance before I leave. I'll have to remind you to ask him.
Letters from home are great but letters from other missionaries are even
better. Especially since I'm a bit anxious for what it's going to be
like in big scary RUSSIA. It's still unreal that I'll be there in a few
weeks. I was reading Elder Peterson's letter and I got so excited
because one of the sisters he talked about is Sister Crane one of
my olders!!! She went out a few weeks ago and is in his area!!!! He said
that he went on exchanges with her and her companion and said she
taught a great lesson to a 19 year old investigator. Just a few weeks
ago she was HERE giving the talk at the mock sacrament meeting for MY
investigator. Given, she was in the advanced group and I didn't
understand a word she said... but still, that's going to be me soon, and
like I said, it's kind of unreal to imagine. Our investigators here are
doing well... just trying to get them prepared for baptism. :) They're
both pretty solid. As for my Russian... it's getting along. We had our
first full serious Speak Your Language day. We've tried it before but
this time we were more serious about it and I don't think I said much
more than 20 English words all day. It was SO hard! Speaking and
understanding is getting easier but it takes so much brain power all the
time. By the end of the day we were all so exhausted, but I suppose
is was worth it. Brother Richardson testified to us that he saw the gift
of tongues very clearly and said that is was one of the best SYL days
he's seen at the MTC. I'm starting to think that my teachers are a bit
liberal with that whole "best _____ I've ever seen" phrase but Bro
Richardson is a pretty honest genuine guy so I guess I believe him. It's
just so hard to see our own progress. This Sunday I was called to give a
talk. If I haven't mentioned, every week we're all asked to prepare a
talk then they call on people randomly. I think it went well enough...
only like half of the congregation could understand it anyway so... yeah
lol the fresh new Russkis are thoroughly impressed with our skills.
They help us to see how far we have come. The new districts are just
great. They're like our babies and I love 'em to death. One of them
almost went home.. the poor elder is only 18 and has never really been
away from home. He was so homesick after the second day he said he
wanted to leave. Within the next 48 hours though I saw a miracle.
Everyone came together out of love for this elder and just prayed like
crazy. I myself just knew that he had to be here. There was something
about this elder that I knew he had to stay and I know he has to go to
Ukraine. Somebody there needs him and only him. His district would keep
Sister Lund in touch every few hours to keep us updated. The Elder
couldn't make up his mind and put my heart on a roller-coaster. Then
finally after he had for sure made the decision to leave, they turned to
their teacher, Brother Kolokovski (really scary native Ukrainian
teacher). I then witnessed Bro K take this Elder under his wing. They
had a nice long (like 3hr long) talk out on a bench in the sunshine. I
knew then that he would stay, and he did! He still looks like he's
having a hard time though so I'll just keep praying.
As for me, things have been hard and great as usual (отлично как
обычно = great as usual). I'm learning a lot and I can't begin to write
it in this letter but one of the biggest things I've learned this week
is to be patient. When the Lord seems far, he's not. He's just giving
you room to grow.
Much love!
CECTPA Johnson
P.S. Fun fact about Russian: The word for 'sunday' and 'resurrection' are the same. Well like one letter off.
I sent Emily her letter finally and mom I wrote a note for you... there
is one other thing I absolutely need--a Katzner Russian/English
And I'm so glad Emily likes skiing and I'm jealous she gets to go so often!!! That's so fun!